Benvinguda dels professors /Welcome from the teachers

Benvinguda dels professors
Estem molt contents de poder fer aquest curs amb vosaltres, estem segurs que serà una bona manera de començar la vostra estada a les universitats catalanes i que aprendreu molt català. Us convidem a seguir aquest blog per tenir informació relacionada amb el curs.

Welcome from the teachers
We are very happy to have you on the course and we are sure this will be the beginning of a fruitful stay at one of the Catalan universities as well as the perfect way to start your Catalan language learning. Follow this blog to find out more information about the course.

Bienvenida de los profesores
Estamos muy contentos de contar contigo en este curso. Estamos seguros de que será una buena manera de empezar tu estancia en la Universidad de Barcelona y de que aprenderás mucho catalán. Te invitamos a seguir este blog para tener información relacionada con el curso.

dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011

Allotjament / Accommodation

Visiting students have a variety of choices when deciding on accommodation

1) University halls of Residence. The UB has three halls of residence of its own and coordinates student accommodation with various others that are affiliated with the university. In total, halls of residence house around 2,000 students; equipped with sports and study facilities, their design is also geared to promoting the institution’s educational programs.
2) The Viure i Conviure Program. This homeshare program promotes and encourages supportive relationships between different generations by providing students who want to live close to the UB with a room in an older person's flat, in exchange for their company. The program is for students under 30 years old who do not have accommodation or a job in Barcelona.
3) The Barcelona University Centre (BCU). The BCU is a consortium that coordinates activities to promote Barcelona as an international university centre. It offers accommodation for UB students and temporary visiting students through a reservations centre where students can choose from various types of accommodation: a bank of flats for young people to rent or rooms in shared flats.

Further information on UB and UB-affiliated halls of residence is available at

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